Translating moods and thoughts
genius and inventiveness at the service of architecture
For us at House of Houses, interior design is a real art that mixes architecture and interior design, between genius and inventiveness. Each room has its own personality, made up of unique and original elements, however interconnected with each other. Yes, we are convinced that environments can communicate not only the essence of those who live there but also and above all the soul of the structure itself. Through us, the properties whisper the most captivating design ideas, granting the burden and the honor of being able to engage in style experiments multifaceted and seductive, strong and impactful, to offer you the best real estate solution possible or the perfect furniture.
Space to vital energy
We take all the most interesting notions on interior design and use them to create an environment of incredible caliber. Space to vital energy. Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and relaxation area, all places to dabble in aromatherapy and chromotherapy, with technological but never invasive elements. And then exclusive impalpable fabrics, oriental scents created in the most ancestral desert, where incredible essences are born and thrive in the twitch of the night. Multifunctional lights and chaise longue help create a heavenly living room, in which to return and return physically and mentally to savor the happiness of a place that you authentically define as "home". The beauty of interior design is that it lets you play with shapes and colors, but it is always him to dictate the rules of the game. And we know them very well. The enveloping and warm space you have always wanted is waiting for you. Choose only where to live it: London, Milan and New York are waiting for you.